Energy efficiency

Table of Contents

How to do better by consuming less energy? Are energy efficient technologies profitable? Where to start?

How is heating provided in Switzerland today?
What future for natural gas and fuel oil?
Why should direct electric heating be banned?
What improvements do modern heating systems offer?
In what context is co-generation of heat and electricity justified?
What energy savings would be achieved if all buildings were renovated to the Minergie® standard?
Is it better to lower the consumption of buildings… or increase their production of renewable energy?
“Zero-energy” buildings and self-contained buildings: a plausible prospect on a large scale?
How are our mobility needs changing?
How can we improve our vehicle fleet, one of the most energy-intensive in Europe?
Is the electric car a relevant option?
Hydrogen cars: what are the prospects in Switzerland?
Can the number of passengers carried by rail still be increased?
Can soft mobility and teleworking help reduce energy demand?
What is the potential for energy savings in Swiss industry?
Is industry rationalising its energy consumption?
Is energy labelling useful?
Can incandescent bulbs be banned, and can lighting be made even more efficient?
How much electricity do appliances placed on standby consume?
What is the potential contribution of energy efficiency to our energy future?
Are energy-efficiency technologies cost-effective?
Central or remote heating: which one to promote?